
Waipara West Sauvignon Blanc 2023

Original price was: $185.Current price is: $138.

🏅Decanter 金獎酒款!
這款Sauvignon Blanc 充滿夏日的味道!帶有柑橘、西柚、青蘋果和淡淡的礦物香氣;還有一絲來自桶內發酵的火石味和來自酒糟發酵所產生的奶油酸奶味。口感清新乾爽,味道濃郁,酒體中等至飽滿,酸度平衡。

A complex and textural wine from the gravels of our Waipara riverside home – dense with flavours of summer, fresh citrus, tangerine zest, granny smith and wet river gravels. The palate has silky texture that is balanced by the refreshing acid backbone and cleansing tannins. Flavours follow through from the nose, Kaffir lime, Meyer lemon, crunchy stone fruits and underlying tropical flavours.


New Zealand



Grape Variety

Sauvignon Blanc



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