
Nikka Session Blended Whisky

Original price was: $820.Current price is: $780.

Availability: In stock






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A blend of original malt whisky from Yoichi and Miyagikyo, a Japanese whisky distillery under Nikka, and original malt whisky from Ben Nevis, a high estate in Scotland. It is Nikka’s first Blended whiskey. Scottish malt has a strong smell, and the encounter with Japanese malt is like a piece of sweet music, showing each other’s personalities. The fragrance and aroma of malt, the smooth taste and sweetness of oak. Smell: with fresh orange and apple aromas, accompanied by sweet aromas of malt and vanilla; Tasting: Smooth as cream, with light sweetness, fruity and oak flavors in perfect harmony; Final rhyme: a little bitterness, the light peat smoke flavor fades slowly.

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