波雅克(Pauillac)是梅多克(Medoc)產區四座著名的產酒村之一,坐擁拉菲古堡(Chateau Lafite Rothschild)、拉圖城堡(Chateau Latour)和木桐酒莊(Chateau Mouton Rothschild)三座一級名莊。這裏得天獨厚的風土條件孕育出舉世無雙的佳釀,使其成為世界上最具聲望的產酒村之一。柏德詩歌酒莊(Chateau Pedesclaux,又名百德詩歌酒莊)正是坐落於這座產酒村內。1855年,成立僅45年的柏德詩歌酒莊便被評選為1855分級中的五級莊散發著玫瑰、丁香和錫蘭茶的香氣,伴有覆盆子、黑莓和櫻桃酒的氣息,口感多汁濃郁,帶有甜美的漿果、煙草和石墨的風味,純淨而集中,單寧細膩,具有不俗的陳年潛力。
Château Pédesclaux 2017 reveals powerful notes of cassis and black berries, which give way to spicy scents of cinnamon, aniseed and liquorice, enhanced by fresh pepper notes. A monument of structure, the palate reveals elegant and voluptuous tannins whose fine grain coats the palate nicely, without the power of the fruit weakening in the mouth but stretching into a superb mineral finish. Complete, intense, endowed with a superb depth and remarkably delicate fruit, all the elements are in place to make Château Pédesclaux 2017 a great Pauillac ready to evolve in the bottle over the next few decades.
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